Daily Archives: January 26, 2012

The one with the health update….

There is this group of readers that is simply amazing. –cough, cough *YOU* cough, cough– You listen, you give feedback, you laugh with me, and you are one caring bunch of individuals. See what I’m talking about- amazing!

I have been getting some questions recently about what is now going on with my health. In the beginning I shared with you while I took a deep breath (…twice) to tell you what was going on concerning my health and my struggles with adding on to our family.  It has been a while  I have shared so much with all of you about my struggles to figure out what is going on inside this body of mine.

I have been on a roller coster for the past year and a half  during this year and a half- it has been full of learning experiences. I am thankful for all that I have learned, I know my journey is far from over but here is what I’ve learned so far:

God is my foundation. I can be mad, frusterated, or not understand His will; but I truly am a thankful that I live by His will and not my own. He is a good God.


Driving hours to the doctor can be a great time to memorize the Adele CD and sing your heart out– And feel like a rock star! 


Eating fro-yo makes a 7 hour trip better! 

There are doctors and nurses that care. They do exist and they become a little bit like family.

Needles are not fun. But, you get used to them after a while. You learn where it hurts less and they aren’t *so* bad. Still though, needles are not fun.  


I have more strength than I ever imagined. My support system has provided me constant strength. 

Christmas Eve Julie & Mr. H

One of many parts of the support system! ....I sure do love this one!

I truly feel that all things considered, I have been doing a pretty good job of staying on the positive side of things. My wonderful support system has been the lifeline that keeps a smile on my face. I am so stinking blessed! 🙂

I am relieved to say that I think we are getting somewhere! I will be going to the doctor again in mid February and should be given A LOT of answers. I cannot wait…. Till I get to chit-chat with my doctor and get a complete rundown of what’s going on inside of my body- I thank you all for caring, for asking, and for praying.

But for now, the update is- THINGS ARE LOOKING UP!

QUESTION: What have you learned from tough situations?