Monthly Archives: May 2012

Rockin’ Cinnamon Vanilla Almond Butter

Cinnamon Vanilla Almond Butter

This Cinnamon Vanilla Almond Butter is ROCKIN!

I am having this thing going on as of late.  It is becoming quite the even here in the Spinach and Sprinkles household. I feel like I’m a tad late joining the game but I have NOT been able to get enough almond butter into my tummy! I am loving all of the creative and personalized flavors that I’m creating. ♥ ♥

I am regularly hauling out my food processor, driving my cats nuts by noisily grinding almonds, pulling all sorts of ingredients from my kitchen cabinents, and creating whatever almond butter my crazy brain can create for the day. I am loving it!  So, here is one of my  creations that I made in a small batch— and I’m wishing I would have made a larger batch!

Rockin’ Cinnamon Vanilla Almond Butter (with raisins!)  

  • 1 c. almonds (I use raw for nutritional purposes)
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1.5 tbsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground sea salt
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp raisins

Process the almonds until they form a ‘buttery’ consistancy. I use raw and it takes about 12-15 minutes of processing and side scraping. Add coconut oil (I have to warm mine), honey, sea salt, and vanilla extract. Process till smooth. Add 2 tbsp. raisins and pulse, don’t process, so that you have chunks of raisins. Enjoy!

**If you like a thinner Almond Butter, add more coconut oil, maybe 1/2 tbsp more than I added and feel free to go even more crazy with the sweetener, vanilla, cinnamon, sea salt or raisins. Go nuts! Being creative and getting the perfect almond butter FOR ME and my taste buds is my favorite part! Be brave and enjoy!

Cinnamon Vanilla Almond Butter

My Rockin’ Cinnamon Vanilla Almond Butter!

Serving suggestions: 

  • Top Apple Slices
  • Oatmeal
  • Toast
  • Sweet Potatoes? (I’ve seen but never tried, have any of you?!)
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Muffins
  • Spoon (or a finger- no judging here!)
  • Ect….

QUESTION: What is your favorite way to enjoy almond butter? Am I missing out on something phenomenal?!??! Anyone done the sweet potato thing?


Don’t wake me! …26 weeks

This is what growing a baby for 26 weeks can do to a person. See that smile? See that bump?

…I have had to completely revamp the wardrobe now that summer has arrived for this teacher. YAY for summer! I have been able to check off some items on the baby to do list now that I’m not swamped with 3rd grade stuff; but I’ll get to that later 😉

26 weeks

Growing Baby H for 26 weeks!

As usual- I am feeling the growing a whole lot! It is truly different to feel myself getting large. I’m okay with it- but it is quite the transition. As the weeks tick past, I get more and more excited (and scared too, I can’t lie) to bring this baby home! I don’t know how much more room this tummy can make- but I’m guessing it will continue doing its job of housing our little bundle of joy for the remainder of the pregnancy. I feel that the baby is getting lower than it was in the past. Luckily- the pelvis pain has been pretty minimal as I’ve cut back on some forms of exercising. I’m feeling great!

Baby H got to kick for their Aunt and Grandma this week- it was AWESOME!

Week 26 Ups!

I learned that Baby H has a quality of his/her momma.

Baby H DOES NOT LIKE TO BE AWOKEN ABRUPTLY! …. I woke up one morning and realized that I needed to pee (normal).  I was laying on my left side at the time. I made a quick turn to my right side. Sat up. Walked to the restroom. All rather quickly. By the time I got to the restroom Baby H was MAD that I had woken her/him up so abruptly. It took a couple or real punches at my tummy- not playful ‘hello mommy’ punches that I know I feel the love behind….. but ‘what the heck?! I was sleeping in here! Leave me alone, I want to sleep!!’ kind of punches. I could tell that there was no love on these punches– it was all agitation. It made me laugh out loud!!! Poor little one’s mommy is already annoying her/her in the mornings. 🙂

Baby H has a place to sleep!!

Baby H's crib

Baby H will sleep in there!!!

I’ll do a post on it sometime this week! Uh-oh…. I think this happened in week 27 though. Oh well, I’m putting it here anyways! Super exciting for our growing family!

Week 26 down

*** (skip past the down unless you would like to hear me complain about work…. again.)***    😉

 I pride myself in being 100% in control of my emotions. Nothing annoys me; weird but true. Yes, I get stressed and feel like I’m losing my bearings but NO ONE can tell unless I want them to know. I have a wonderful cover that keeps me seemingly level at most times. I have not felt emotional in the least or hormone ridden since I’ve become pregnant- still been the same ol’ Julie…… Until week 26. HOLY HEAVENS! 

Week 26 hit and I was bitter, angry, emotional, and not me….bummer….  All of it was work related. My situation at work is less than ideal.—— I always have this awful sinking feeling at the end of the year as I realize that all the work I did for this year is down the drain and I am instantly transported back to square one, feeling like a first year teacher all over again, for the fourth time. If you are a longtime reader you already know that I have been teaching for four years and next year will be my fifth. In those five years- I have taught five different grades and had to pack up my classroom, learn a new curriculum, and learn different standards that my students will be tested on FIVE DIFFERENT TIMES. Can’t lie- it’s tough. I complain about it. It gets the best of me….. a lot……  We had meetings this week an I was just not in the mood to be compliant or listen to others that felt high and mighty. I was easily annoyed. I was easily cry-able. I was easily angered. I was not me. I’m sure God shook his head at me as I was not being the best image of The Son. Through all the junk at work, I try to be up beat and positive and reflect the image that would make Him proud. I couldn’t get in the groove this week.

I’ll miss third grade…. luckily- my 3rd graders will become 4th graders, and be mine again!!

I was just not in the mood to deal with all the 4th grade stuff that was coming my way. Ummm, “Hello, I was just teaching a room full of 3rd graders three days ago. I need a transition period before I start worrying about 4th grade stuff. A mourning period if you will.” Enough about Grumpy Julie. I sent her packing….. That being said, I can definitely tell that my hormones have been shifting and I have to be much more aware of my emotions or *they will* get the best of me. 

Another Week 26 Up! 

I cannot end on a down! This week has been GOOD! 

Baby H has clothes to wear with Mommy & Daddy this NFL football season! 

San Francisco 49ers baby clothes

These little clothes were actually a birthday present I bought for the husband. He loved them! As do I! …… I can’t wait for the THREE of us to be in our San Francisco gear on Sundays this fall! We are SO excited for out little SF fan!! 🙂

QUESTION: What has been your up & down of the past week? Hopefully you all have GREAT UPS! 🙂

I can’t wait to be a mom….

I know that in a matter of months- my life will change. I am so excited for the journey ahead of the husband and me! We will be parents! 🙂

It’s true, I can’t wait to be a mom! 

I was telling my sister about this video over the weekend. I love it. This video truly encompasses a lot of what being a parent is about, in my personal opinion.  I am in no way putting down this father or this little girl. They are both doing their jobs- one being the dad and one being the three year old. It isn’t always rainbows and butterflies when you are a parent. It’s a whole lot of hard work. 

….The thing I’ll struggle with the most is acknowledging that even the best parents in the world are still parents of—- kids. Kids that scream, throw fits, and do things they aren’t supposed to do. I know I’ll struggle with being too hard on myself. After all, I have a degree that deals with children and their development. I want to be the best mommy that I can be!  I know I’ll struggle with feeling like I’m failing at times- especially when my little one is a complete turd in public. 

Still, I can’t wait to be a mom. I get to show a child unconditional love. 

Question: Do you remember  a time as a child where you may have been less than stellar for your parents?

Holy Ouch! ….Week 24 & 25…

Week 24

Baking Baby H for 24 Weeks

Week 24 &25 have been full of ups and downs. This is totally normal for pregnancy. They were racing by as they were full of grade cards, permanent file filling, spring concerts, a doctor’s visit,  trips  with my class to the FFA farm, and the husband’s big birthday. I didn’t know which way was up but it was a very nice couple of weeks. Yep, it’s true- summer is at my doorstep and walking right into my life. I couldn’t be more ecstatic about it!!!

Week 24 major up

 The husnband and I went to go see The Avengers as an early birthday outing. The little one went crazy during the movie! The husband loved that our little one was just as crazy about the movie as he was.

Week 24 down

I still will randomly get sick. I was reading to my kids during week 24 and had to run out of the classroom to puke. It is just so random. I’m honestly not complaining- I couldn’t be luckier because I feel pretty great most of the time.

Week 25

Getting much bigger each week. 25 weeks down!

Week 25 major up

The baby always seems to know when daddy touches my stomach because the little  one will give him several good punches to let him know that he loves him too. We can generally count on baby showing daddy some love most nights when I lay down for the day. I love sharing the experience with the amazing husband!

Week 25 downs

 I haven’t seen my family in what seems to be forever! I miss them and I know my mom is dying to see the growing bump in person and get to feel the baby kick for her…. Also, there are days when Baby H doesn’t feel the need to move around quite as much. It always makes me worried when I have a couple of days where she/he doesn’t constantly let me know things are okay. Or, I just need to slow down to feel the love- that is part of it too.


Let me explain this one- for weeks 24 & 25 my pelvis literally feels as if it is broken/has a crack right down the middle. It is causing me to waddle sometimes and wince in pain when I get up. Totally sucks.

I have gotten quite a bit bigger as of the last 10 weeks and I think the shifting body is not okay with me trying to keep things as to what was normal before.  I know my body is changing and I’m trying to embrace it- I truly want to do what is right for the little growing bun in the oven. I don’t know if my hips are widening and I need to treat them with care or what the heck is going on with the pelvis…. I’m unsure if this is normal and something I just need to push through or something I need to treat as an injury or something that is wrong. Funny how being pregnant makes you second guess everything.

I took a few days to just walking and I know I need to incorporate more stretching into my daily routines. I have always been reallllllly bad at the whole stretching thing. I’m hoping that week 26 will bring a better feeling pelvis…. Anyone else that has been pregnant know what I’m talking about with the feeling of the broken pelvis?

QUESTION: Does it feel as if summer knocking on your front door?

Monster Cookie Dough Dip

Monster Cookie Dough Dip

Lookie what I did! ….Monster Cookie Dough Dip!

I was scanning through Pinterest about a week ago and saw a recipe for Monster Cookie Dough Dip. “Mmmmmm” was the only thought that crossed my mind. I had to go check it out.…. Then I did.

It wasn’t exactly shall we say ‘healthy’…. at all.  Bummer.  Not that the recipe is bad, I’m sure it is out of this world delicioius but I just need to be filling my body with the best possible nutrients right now (and always.)  I was pretty bummed to see that it wan’t something I could swing- even as an indulgence.  This is actually my caption for the pin

I’m so NOT making this– but I do need to use it as inspiration to make something delicious and healthy. Game on!”

So, took it upon myself to create something delicious and healthy. Much to my surprise, I succeeded! SCORE! I love it when that happens!

Monster Cookie Dough Dip

  • 1 can chick peas (drained & rinsed well)
  • 1/2 c. unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/4 c. unpacked brown sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. dark molasses
  • 2-3 Tbsp. peanut butter
  • 1 tsp. peanut butter extract
  • 1/4 c. quick cooking oats
  • 1/4 c. rolled oats
  • 1/2 tsp. sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 c. rolled oats
  • 2 Tbsp. mini chocolate chips
  • 2 Tbsp. mini m&m’s

DIRECTIONS: First, process the chick peas. Then, add all of the above ingredients into food processor, except for the last three.   Then mix in the last three  ingredients; rolled oats, chocolate chips, and m&m’s. Do not process! The items need to be whole to make them seem almost identical to a monster cookie dough! Let set for at least a few hours. The rolled oats need time to soak up the extra moisture so that it becomes CookieDough’ish in true form. Also, add the mini M&M’s right before serving- they will ‘bleed’ into the cookie dough. 🙂 ENJOY!

Monster Cookie Dough Dip

Monster Cookie Dough DIp = AMAZING!

This was a surprise success. I wasn’t expecting it to be that great but once I dipped my spoon in- I was hooked! ….I had this thing with eating monster cookie dough when I was younger (and heavier/not as healthy). You could call my sister- she would tell you that I’m an expert at monster cookie dough eating! ….This new recipe is a serious contender to what I used to eat- you know the sugar laden, full of not 100% nutritious ingredients. Well, rest assured you can feel good about eating this and it tastes really stinking good! I’m glad I pinned their recipe and made something of my own. Now, go pin this because it is healthy + delicious!  🙂 

Question: Are you a monster cookie fan?!?!   –OR–  What were you an expert at when you were younger?

23 weeks Ch-Ch-Cha- Changes

23 weeks

23 weeks growing baby!

This was the week that was all about changes! It is amazing the amount of changes that go on during these months. The time is ticking by and golly have I been feeling it! I feel like this time is going by so quickly that I barely have the time to think about what is going on. I don’t like that part- I need to make a point to be journaling more and keeping track of what is going on with my body, life, and all things baby. I feel like some of them would be boring though because I haven’t had any cravings (except Chocolate Coconut Almond Butter but I have a feeling that isn’t pregnancy related.) or adverseness to anything. I’m pretty boring 😉

I have been growing SO much and it is becoming quite noticeable to those around me.  Since I spent the first 18/19 weeks hiding it- the growth is coming quickly now. There is one particular little one that keeps bumping into my tummy– it’s so cute because I think he is just as shocked that its there as I am. (he is one that I have taught for two years in a row and I feel like he could be my own kid!) I feel my stomach stretching and to be completely honest, it hurts. I mean it’s not like “holy cow…. I can’t go on.” But the slight pain is definitly a reminder that I am not the same Julie that I was only months ago. But that isn’t a bad thing. 

I have been spending the past few months trying to live as completely normal as possible. Working out 5-6 days a week with some pretty great intensity, eating the way I normally would (plus more protein! and water!); no eating for two for this girl!, and trying to keep up with my regular schedule and life as long as I possibly can. Being tough, you know. Yep, really tough. Just kind of shaking off the changes that are tough and keep trucking on. 

However, I realize that THINGS ARE CHANGING! 

My body is telling me that I’m crazy for doing things the same way I was only months ago. I am embracing these changes and just growing this little one the best I can.

Top 3 Changes so far. 

  • My body not being MY body. I no longer own my body.
  • Absolutely everything I do affects the little one I love and affects my decisions on EVERYTHING.
  • Food drops on my tummy instead of the floor when I miss my mouth. I’m a mess. (silly but so true!)

Still loving this journey and blessed to my very core to be carrying this little one!

Up next:



**Monster Cookie Dough Dip**

Monster Cookie Dough Dip

Monster Cookie Dough Dip! Heck to the YES!

I was inspired by an incredibly unhealthy dip recipe to twist it into something healthy. …. Success was mine!! 🙂 YAY! 


May love….

I have whole lot of love for this May.  Let me share the list with you….

  • The husband has an exciting birthday!!! Woop-Woop!

I won’t be telling you how exciting of a birthday it will be but I am hoping that he tells me soooooon what he wants to do for the day because it is coming up FAST! I want him to have a rockin’ birthday! (*sidenote: I can’t go all crazy and bake him an over-the-top cake; he doesn’t like cake. He’s weird, I know.)

****School will be out!****

Dress clothes can wait till fall. I like them and all but fitting a baby bump inside some clothes isn’t the easiest. I’m ready for workout gear all.summer.long. Nike running shoes for the win!!! (*sidenote: did you know that Nike nor Under Armour make maternity gear?! I’m thinking I’m going to call their main office and ask for a job designing maternity workout gear!)

I can work out in the morning before it is 98* 

Sunset/ Sunrise

Kansas sunrises & Sunsets are the best!

It has been a very warm spring here. In fact, it was a warm winter too.  The heat is really bad (for May that is…) by the time I get off of work and it is throwing off my workout schedule a lot! I’m ready for some AM workout time!

I can start working on the nursery!

Nope, sorry this won’t help you figure out if it is a boy or girl. I would do this for either and make adjustments but this is not the nursery look we are going for. But, I do think that it is cute! We are waiting to see if we can find a second hand crib and going from there.
I can work on baking my way through go to recipes to master before baby H gets here.




I actually know how to cook quite a few things but I always forget that I know how to cook them. Then, I get in a food rut. I’m trying to broaden my base of ‘go-to’ recipes before life gets super busy with a newborn!

I will not be in a room without windows like I am during the school year!

I know it seems small but I don’t have a window in my classroom and I’m just ready to see daylight when it is actually daylight!

I’m going to pick up reading books I’ve been putting off…

I read the first one last weekend and have had to stop reading so that I can actually be productive during the last of the school year. I’ll also need to be including some good beach reads…
I have read most of these but I have one or two to finish! 🙂

There are a million other things I’m looking forward to this month but I’ll just stop with those.

What are you looking forward to this month?!