Daily Archives: September 20, 2011

5 years…..

Five years ago a girl walked into a bar. She met a boy. She thought she’d rock his world and show him he wasn’t the center of anyone’s world—-certainly not mine.

One of his friends, who is a great friend of mine, explained a guy that was a friend of his. It was the husband. He had a reputation of being a ladies man.

My exact words: “Watch me play a player…”

And so I did……

Funny thing is….. I think we both got played.

We never really expected to fall for each other …..and actually spent the better part of two years trying to figure out why we couldn’t get enough of each other even though we drove each other mad at times.

The heart wants what the heart wants. It knows better than the head.

I’m so glad that we listened to our hearts.

I’m a better woman because of his unconditional love and am thankful for our unexpected love for eachother. I love that he isn’t perfect, he’s perfect for ME. Same goes with this girl. It amazes me daily how we are for eachother. End of story……. Beginning of a lifetime! ♥

Question: Follower of the head or the heart? Have you ever been in an unexpected relationship?