Daily Archives: July 21, 2011

Answer to the teacher’s lounge….

First off, I  ‘THANK YOU’ all a million times over for all of your ideas and showing some California love,  our ♥honeymoon re-do♥ is bound to be great with all of your help! Keep ’em coming if you think of anything! You are all soooooo AWESOME! Thank you!

So, some of you know I’m a teacher. Yes, this wild and crazy girl is in charge of 15-25 children EVERY day during the months of August-May. I make them just as wild and crazy, incase you were wondering…..

Seconds after Mrs. H got pied in the face!!! .... Maybe I'll share this for another day. (Look close, you can evens see part of the crust falling, it's not a spot on my pants)

Well, teachers around here have this thing called ‘FAT FRIDAY’! …..Does this sound like something you would like to take part in?... I for one cringe when I think of things like this. Everyone is responsible for bringing a dish and we all share. (Sharing is caring) Fat Friday happens about once a month or so, when something special comes up. We share our food and talk. That is what happens….

If you are a cool kid, you bring food to ‘Fat Friday’ and chit-chat.  I want to be a cool kid… really, I do! I usually eat my spinach salad and apple in my classroom. I want to be friendly, but I just don’t eat the kinds of things that they eat.  NOT that I’m judging them! I just don’t want them to judge me because I don’t eat their food and I bring my own food. ….I want to bring food and share in the experience, really, I do!

Thanks to Katie over at chocolatecoveredkatie.com I have an answer! ….Her snickerdoodle dip is HEAVENLY!!!  Thank you Katie! (who is now in NYC, so jealous!)


The goods!

  • 1 1/2 c -OR- 1 can of white beans
  • 1/4 c unsweetened applesauce
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • Sweetener: she suggests 3/4 c. brown sugar –
    • —I added 2 packets of stevia! I don’t want to feel guilty about eating the batch. If I’m sharing, I’ll add the brown sugar. If it’s at home, I’ll do stevia.
  • 2 1/4 tsp cinnamon (I always go waaay overboard when it comes to cinnamon)
  • large, large pinch of cream of tartar

Here is the goodness! 😛 Yumm!

Put them all in a food processor or blender and go to town! Soooo good!!! 😛

So when I’m trying to be a COOL KID I’ll add a gram cracker to entice the stressed teachers, it brings us back to happy days……….. Days where children are studying and laughing at all of their teacher’s jokes! 😉 HA!

This is a MUST TRY!!!

Personally, I’m a fan of this stuff on APPLES! ….Mom & sister said it was really good and tasted *JUST* like snickerdoodles! SCORE!

It is saying "Try me.... TRY ME!!!!"

This is so healthy, I’ll have something to eat AND share of ‘Fat Friday’. This is Charlie & myself refer to as WINNING!!! (I scolded myself for the Charlie reference) ….In all seriousness, THIS is my solution to make ‘Fat Friday’ not so fat! 🙂 

QUESTION: Are there any situations where you feel like I do on ‘Fat Friday’? What do you do? –OR– Recipe to share for potluck?