Daily Archives: December 29, 2011

Dear Body,

Dear Body,

I am not amused that you know when a break from school comes along and you decide to break down. Yes, Body, I remember your Thanksgiving doosey complete with silence and misery. I didn’t need you to remind me that you have this power of me- I already know. I am not okay with you taking my Christmas break too. This is not cool.

I am not appreciating the fact that you are completely worn down, I have tried to take care of you! I am not a fan of the fit you throw when you are taken away from the couch for a minute or two. I am also not a fan that you think it is necessary to be lying down all the live long day. There are only so many minutes I can watch Netflix or the Whinnie the Pooh movie I got for Christmas. All great but seriously Body- get your act together and find life outside of the couch and Netflix.

Body, are you not aware that I have things to do? School will be here soon and kids will eat you alive if you are not prepared! Do you want to be eaten alive come   Tuesday?! I didn’t think so! So, GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!! I need to get my rump to school! It is the best thing for both of us!

I would also like to address this nose business. It hurts. Can you please unplug and help me breathe like a normal person. I am not cool with this running around like crazy. It is not fair that I am on the couch while the nose is running. I want to run around too. Also, what is with this throat that is generally uncomfortable and hurting.  Couch drops aren’t doing the trick and I want relief.

The worst part is that I am unable to take any medicine to help you fight this- so I am pouting like it is no one’s business. Do you hear me body, I am trying to help you and you are giving me nothing in return. I want to take something to help you, Body, but it is not an option so here I lay trying to get better on my own when I know of a million things I have to do! Body, when are you planning on finding the time to bake, clean the house, do the thousand things I must do at school before Tuesday, put away Christmas gifts, and tie up loose ends of 2011? Again, when are you going to find the time?

I know this may be harsh. Sorry Body, truly I am. But, I would appreciate it if you would GET YOU ACT TOGETHER!! Please, be corporative. I have tried to be nice and take care of you. How about returning the favor. Please and thank you.

