
I hope you all know what I’m talking about when I say “Get-R-Done”. If not, I may have just given my redneck roots away. Oh well, I am who I am! …. I have *so* much to do today and I am totally excited to get things checked off my to-do list. The list looks a little something like this:

#1- Make Pumpkin Butter

Pumpkin Butter Full

I love pumpkin butter and I have been meaning to make some more for weeks! I will be using THIS RECIPE! It has been far too long since I have gotten to dig my spoon into a beautiful parfait that looks a little something like this!

Pumpkin Butter Parfait

Pumpkin Butter Parfait

Only hours till I can dig my spoon into this baby! Seriously, make pumpkin butter. It rocks my world ever time I eat it!

#2- Go through closet to donate clothes

Black Friday Limited Clothes!

The deal of the year!

My closet is overflowing. I’m not  complaining, I just need to organize my pretty clothes and donate some clothes to someone who would wear some of them more than I would. I love to donate my clothes because it is so great for someone to take an outfit I loved and get to love it themselves. I give them to my sister, who works as a high school business teacher. She gives them to girls from my old high school. I love hearing how one of my old favorites is someone’s new favorite! 

I am blaming the overflowing closet on two things. #1-The Limited opened up in the town where I go to the doctor #2- The doctors like me and they have thought that they need to see me ever two-to-four weeks for the past 8 months. Since the doctor isn’t too much fun I treat myself to something pretty to wear to work. Therefore, the closet is getting full. PS- do NOT tell the husband that I am admitting this. 😉

#3- Organize my kitchen table

Dark Wood Kitchen Table


Bills, random adds, and magazines find their home on the kitchen table. Along with the things my mom dropped off last week when she came to visit. I am being such a lazy bum with no energy when I get home from work that I haven’t had the drive to completely go through the table and organize it. I have discussed the horrible black hole that is my kitchen table before and a few of you made me feel better inside by telling me that their kitchen table is a black hole as well. Anyone up for making me feel better about it today? 😉

#4 Make pizza crust for later this week

Kath's Pizza Crust

Source ...This is Kath's Pizza crust. I'm thinking of trying it because it is so gosh darn beautiful. Jessica's sounds great too though!

I am thinking of trying Kath’s or Jessica’s recipe for a whole wheat pizza crust this time because the one I normally make isn’t raising the way I would like it to. I think I should give one of their’s a try because they are both AMAZING cooks! I will be making a Spinach and Sprinkles favorite- TACO PIZZA with extra shredded lettuce. Both the husband and I go nuts for taco pizza!

Do any of you have an amazing pizza crust recipe that you would like to share?! 

#5- Go on a date with a handsome fella! ….To see Beauty and the Beast in 3D!

Beauty and the Beast


I know I talked about this eariler this week but I am seriously stoked to see this! I have never been to a 3D movie and I’m excited that this will be my first! I don’t know what to expect but I do want to see one in 3D, hopefully I like it and the it doesn’t make me sick? I’ve heard that it can make you a little nauseous. Now, I’m nervous about that! But not nervous enough to keep me away!

The husband is humoring me and making it a complete date night! We haven’t been on a date in AGES. This is mainly due to the fact that we have to drive 40minutes to the movie or to a place where we can actually eat out. Dinner + Move. It’s going to be great!

Source. .....This is how excited I am! No joke!

QUESTION: Have you seen a movie in 3D? Did it make you nauseous?! (I need to know!)   -AND-     Do you have a go-to whole wheat pizza crust recipe? Feel free to link up! It would be very helpful!

PS- you are all the best! I just wanted to let you know!

19 responses to “Get-R-Done!

  1. Sounds like you’ve got an eventful day planned! We had snow overnight, so I’m off to a slow start this morning… gotta let the roads get cleared!

    I’ve never seen a movie in 3-D before… good luck! haha

  2. I still need to make pumpkin butter. I hope it’s not too late!
    If you do get nauseous close one eye. You can watch the movie clearly through the glasses minus the 3D effect until you feel better.

  3. I love homemade pizza! I usually get fresh whole wheat pizza dough from my grocery’s bakery. It’s awesome. I’m not a hugeee fan of 3D. It does make me a little bit nauseous. But I also get car sick!

  4. My table is currently covered in painting supplies and junk mail. 😛
    I love homemade pizza! I don’t buy pizza anymore because it is so much better at home.

  5. I practically see every children’s movie in 3D (oh, the joys of babysitting), and I actually have never felt nauseous. You should be fine–trust me, the stupidest things (like getting a manicure) make me feel sick, but I’ve never had that problem with 3D movies. If you do feel nauseous, then you must have an even weaker stomach than me…but given my fainting history, I doubt that!

  6. I have never felt nauseous in a 3D movie.. but my mom does often! HOwever, she gets motion sickness much easier than I do, so I am sure that makes a difference
    Woman you are busayyyy, getting things done, look at your bad self 🙂

  7. I have been meaning to make the pumpkin butter for ages. Just haven’t done it yet.
    I went to see Kung fu Panda 2 in 3D and I did not get nauseas. The glasses are so much better now. I have a weak stomach to motion sickness, car sick etc. and it did not make me nauseas at all! You will be fine. Enjoy!

  8. Ok, so I know pumpkin butter is all kinds of deliciousness, but have you tried GINGERBREAD butter? I found some on super sale at Williams-Sonoma and it has changed my life–SO YUMMY!!

    3-D movies make me sick, but I get sea sick in the bathtub, so I am not reliable. 🙂

    I LOVE donating clothes. It feels so good to be organized AND help people out. 🙂

  9. I need to make pumpkin butter! I’ve been meaning to for a long time, but it slips my mind every week when I’m menu planning. So, I wrote down, make pumpkin butter. I can totally tell you are a teacher, as we both find the need to plan everything out. Have a great weekend and thank you for sharing!

  10. Looks like an eventful day! I saw Beauty in the Beast 3D yesterday and it didn’t make me sick! I was so surprised, but in all, it wasn’t really THAT 3D. I have the same problem with my kitchen table and I just recently managed to get all of my bills and miscellaneous papers off of it. Good luck 🙂

  11. Yes, I absolutely have an amazing pizza dough recipe you have to try. It isn’t fully whole wheat (although I’m sure you could try that).
    I do 2 C whole wheat and the rest white flour. The recipe says it makes 2 large, 3 medium or 4 small. But I think it makes 4 medium-large pizzas. We just made pizza Friday evening and I am very happy to eat my leftovers 🙂

  12. I’ve been hearing so much about this movie!
    I reallllly need to go donate or sell some of my clothes. I need more closet space 😉

  13. taco pizza is the BEST!! i saw step up 3-d! it was awesome. but weird becaue i had to wear my glasses underneath. haha.

  14. I love homemade pizza crust. I have a recipe that makes one large with thick crust and or two medium thin crust. I prefer the thin crust and I am actually having hawaiian pizza for lunch today. Here it is:

  15. i have never seen a 3 D movie, but i get motion sickness pretty easily so it might not be for me. do they have beauty and the beast not 3 D in theaters?
    I too need to find a good whole wheat pizza crust recipe since i just got a pizza stone for christmas!

  16. Sounds like you are on your way to getting a bunch done!! I REALLY need to clean out my closet too! There are so many things I don’t wear just sitting there and I can barely close my closet doors! Eek not good! And I’ve seen movies in 3D and they didn’t make me nauseous! I think only the type with big car chases and stuff might do that so I think you’re good with Beauty and the Beast! And mm Taco pizza? Please share a recipe asap!

  17. I’ve been to a 3D movie before and it didn’t make me sick, but both my parents and my sister got headaches:-(

  18. Never admit that your closet is too full! Haha. That being said, I too need to donate some clothes…

    Can’t wait to find out how the pizza dough comes out and what recipe you use!

  19. Pingback: So Many Packages — Sweet Tooth Sweet Life

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